Let us find your next

property deal

We take care of every step of your investment

We discuss your strategy & needs

HMO, buy to let or a refurbishment deal, we handle it all. We discuss your financial situation weather its cash or mortgage as we will use this leverage when negotiating the deal.

Finding the deal

Our team has extensive experience of understanding the market and knowing what works. Our aim is to maximize your return on investment by finding the right property investment opportunities & ensuring it fits in with your property investment strategy. We do all the hard work so you don’t have to.

Stacking the deal

One of the most important parts of deal sourcing. Don’t leave it amateurs to who have been on a course, any mistake here and you can find yourself in a bad situation. It honestly takes years to understand the market and what sells and what doesn’t. We know how each strategy works and can advise on healthy yields and how lifted properties should be re-valued for sale!

Negotiate a great sale price

Now the numbers work for you, it’s time we close the deal. We follow your strict instructions on your price and make sure we get the property within that range.

Follow through to completion

Let us handle any the sale for you. If the agent doesn’t respond we will follow up to free up your time. And once the sale has exchanged, we can get it ready for the market to ensure minimum void periods.

Help is at hand

We have a mortgage advisor and solicitor onboard to help your sale progress quickly.  And if you are unable to view the property, we can arrange that too, along with providing  you with videos/photos. Or maybe a specialist is needed? Such as a builder to quote for renovation works or a damp or structural specialist, we will attend with them and discuss your requirements.

Property investment opportunities. Interested in our services?

Book an appointment with us at our contact us page